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NDC Clothing Planner – Program

This Planner has been formulated for wholesale customers only.

It has been designed for all kinds of budgets, the range all mix’s and matches, and it is a convenient way to shop for our wholesale customers it is a one stop shop. Bottom and tops to match jackets, dresses etc. for all occasions and seasons. It is designed in small drops so as to have new styles arrive every month this encourages sales and it invites shoppers to come back to buy the next piece of clothing to match the one they already have purchased previously . This is the reason for this planner. Wholesalers can plan it a month in advance and still keep in check with their budgets.

The shop owner (bricks and mortar) have an array of chooses as we all know it, up sale is the way to go, everything goes.

I have accumulated statistics from former experience that do work.

I have based it on 2 different calculations

1st is based on   daily average shop takings

2nd is based on average customer buying

This is to the expenditure of expanses and profit made

NDC Clothing Planner – Program sheet